GBLT is connecting to the to the Chamber of Commerce's Trade Register (in Dutch: Handelsregister). This means that from now on we are using company data from the Trade Register only. As a result, things may have changed for youre company. Read more about this on this page.
Why does GBLT use Trade Register data?
GBLT is required to use the Chamber of Commerce's Trade Register as the single source for company data. This is required of all government organisations in the Netherlands.
This has the advantage that all government organisations use the same data about you. Does your company's name change? Then you only have to change it at the Chamber of Commerce.
This does however mean that from now on GBLT may use data different from what you are used to.
What will change for you?
How things will change for you depends on your situation. What type of business do you have?
Service promise no. 6: An alert from GBLT if things can be organised better or smarter for you
The information on this page stems from one of our 6 service promises.

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