Why is the WOZ value higher than last year?

The WOZ value has changed because we redetermine the WOZ value every year.

We do not look at last year's value

We do look at:

  • Sales of comparable homes in your area as of around January 1, 2024;
  • Properties of your home and what your home looks like as of January 1, 2025.

If the sales price increases then your WOZ value will also increase

Did the sales price of similar homes in your neighborhood increase last year? Then the WOZ value of your home will also increase. We do not look at average increases in sales prices of homes. That's because those averages don't take into account the characteristics of your home.

Characteristics of your home matter

The characteristics of your house also matter for the WOZ value. For example, we look at what kind of home you have. We also look at the size of your home, its maintenance and the neighborhood where it is located. For example, are you building, remodeling, or renovating your home? If so, this affects the determination of the WOZ value. As will buying an additional piece of land with your home. 

Want to know more about the value of your home?

Look at the valuation report of your home. You will find it in Mijn Loket. In the valuation report, you will find comparable homes that we used to determine the WOZ value. You will also find the characteristics we have listed for your home.

Download the report in Mijn Loket