Do you disagree with the tax assessment, property value or costs? You can let GBLT know. This is called lodging an objection. Objections are free of charge. You must lodge your objection within a certain time limit. This is why we date all our correspondence. Your objection must be received within six weeks of that date. Are you in any doubt about whether you should lodge an objection? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.
What can you object to?
You can object to
- Your tax assessment.
- The WOZ value of the municipalities of Zwolle, Leusden, Dronten, Nijkerk, Dalfsen, Bunschoten, Renswoude, Veenendaal, Woudenberg and Ommen.
- The costs of the finale notice.
- The costs of the enforcement order.
- Recovery interest.
- The costs of a renewed order. This is called administrative appeal.
How can you lodge an objection?
The easiest and fastest way to lodge an objection is in 'Mijn Loket'. However it is also possible to write an objectionletter to GBLT.
Lodging an objection in 'Mijn Loket'
You log in with your DigiD. Or with eHerkenning if you are a company. Then select 'Indienen' (submit) under the heading 'Bezwaar' (objection). We will then guide you through the steps you need to take to object.
Lodging an objection in writing
Write to us stating that you wish to object. Please include in your letter:
- Your initials, surname, address and town of residence.
- The date you write the letter.
- The assessment number, tax year and type of document with which you disagree.
- The reason(s) for your objections.
- Any supporting documents. Send a copy of these supporting documents with your letter.
- Your signature.
Send this letter to GBLT, P.O. Box(postbus) 1098, 8001 BB Zwolle.
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When will you get a response?
In most cases, GBLT will send you a decision on your appeal within 12 weeks.
We may take longer for a WOZ appeal. We have to decide by 31 December at the latest. This deadline also applies to objections to municipal taxes.
When can you request a reimbursement?
Please note: You must request reimbursement before we make a decision!
The "Besluit proceskosten bestuursrecht" (Administrative Costs Order) specifies for what costs you can request reimbursement.
For example, you can claim reimbursement for
- The cost of getting help from a lawyer (legal aid).
- The cost of obtaining extracts from public registers. For example, the "Kadaster" (Land Registry) or the "Basisregistratie personen" (Key Register of Persons).
But you cannot claim reimbursement for
- The cost of stamps and telephone calls,
- Any costs in case of a decision to reduce your tax assessment.
We will let you know in our decision whether you are entitled to a reimbursement.
Do you want to object because you did not receive our mail?
Have you not received our mail? And are you objecting because of that? If so, we are unlikely to grant it. However, if you have evidence that you have not been in receipt of mail, the situation may be different. For example, if you relocated and we still sent the mail to your previous address.