Advertising Tax Veenendaal

Are you a user of business premises like a shop or an office in the centre of Veenendaal? And do you have a sign or billboard visible from the public road? Then you will have to pay advertising tax.

This money is put into the 'Ondernemersfonds' (‘Entrepreneurial Fund'). This fund uses the money for things that help all entrepreneurs, such as security. 

To find out how much you have to pay please visit the rates page of the municipality of Veenendaal.

Do you no longer use the premises?

Then please inform us of this in a letter. Send this letter to GBLT, Postbus 1098, 8001 BB Zwolle. We will then reduce the amount you have to pay. We will send you a letter to confirm this.

Is remission possible?

For advertising tax in the municipality of Veenendal, remission is not possible. You can pay in instalments.

Learn more about paying in instalments.