You can ask GBLT all your questions concerning Municipal – and Water Board tax
GBLT wants to assist residents, businesses, and owners as best as we can. We aspire to make managing your taxes is as easy as possible. To ensure our service is op to par, we want to know how residents, businesses and owners in our catchment area feel about our services. So we can improve our way of working to fit the needs of said residents, businesses and owners.
In 2011 GBLT came into being as a community scheme for Municipalities and Water Boards. Currently GBLT’s catchment area includes:
- 10 Municipalities: Zwolle, Bunschoten, Leusden, Nijkerk, Dronten, Dalfsen, Ommen, Veenendaal, Renswoude, and Woudenberg.
- 5 Water Boards: Drents Overijsselse Delta, Rijn en IJssel, Vechtstromen, Vallei and Veluwe en Zuiderzeeland.
GBLT enforces and collects local taxes on behalf of these Municipalities and Water Boards
We levy and collect these taxes by way of:
- Making sure all residents, businesses and owners receive their tax assessments.
- Keeping track of all payments. We are here to assist you if you encounter problems surrounding payment. Please contact us if you face financial difficulties. That way we can help you towards a solution such as remission, a payment plan or debt relief.
- Determining the property value (WOZ) for the 7 Municipalities. Do you disagree with the value we provided for your property? You can lodge an objection with us free of charge.
- Responding to all incoming question, requests for remission and lodged objections accordingly.
You will receive a tax assessment from GBLT each year
You are free to decide how you pay this tax assessment. You can pay in one go, or pay in instalments. Do you live on a low income? Then you can request remission. Do we determine you qualify for remission? Then you pay less taxes. Do you own property in the municipality of Zwolle, Bunschoten, Leusden, Nijkerk, Dronten, Dalfsen or Ommen? Then each year you will digitally receive a property valuation report (taxatieverslag) in Mijn Loket.
You might receive a tax assessment on a different date from year to year
We put up a notification and post a message on our website when we send out a batch of tax assessments. It depends on your personal preferences whether you will receive the tax assessment in the post or digitally in the ‘Berichtenbox’. We always also store a copy of your tax assessment in Mijn Loket.
The Water Boards and Municipalities fund their work with the money you pay to GBLT
The Water Boards are responsible for management and maintenance of water systems near you. They make sure waterways such as rivers, ditches and lakes are well cared for. They are also responsible for the quality and supply of water in your area. Municipalities uses this money to enable proper maintenance of the sewerage system, for waste collection and disposal, and other municipal provisions. For example roads and sidewalks.
GBLT governs taxes on behalf of the Municipalities and Water Boards
Our Board of Directors and the Executive Committee comprise of aldermen that represent the Municipalities and members of Executive Committee of the Water Boards that represent the Water Boards. The Board of Directors meets up several times a year. These meetings are public. Feel free to sign up to visit one of these meetings.

Millions of datapoints are needed to governs taxes correctly
Hence the protection and upkeep of al that data is of very important to GBLT. We made a visual explanation how this works (Dutch only).