Lodging an objection - simple and easy

Lodge an objection now

You have 6 weeks to lodge an objection to the property value. Look at the date on the tax assessment to find out how much time you have left.

How to assess your situation?

Are you unsure if the propery value fits your property? Please take into consideration:

  1. The valuation report. This can be found in Mijn Loket, under the heading 'Mijn Documenten'. Here you can check the details of the property and other important information about the valuation.
  2. Do you own a residential property? You can find values of properties near you at wozwaardeloket. That way you can check if homes near you, with the same characteristics, have a similar value. 
  3. Ask yourself how much you would get for your property if you would have sold it last year. Does it compute with the value on the tax assessment?!

Do you disagree with the information in the valuation report? Then lodge an objection.  

How to lodge an objection at GBLT?

There are 3 routes to lodge an objection:

  1. Digitally in Mijn Loket
  2. With an online form you print and send us:
    Residential properties (woningen).
    Non-residental properties (niet-woningen).
  3. By sending a letter to GBLT. You can use the following address: Postbus 1098, 8001 BB Zwolle. Please state the reasons for objecting to the property value,

Watch the video below for instructions

Video: Wat is de WOZ-waarde?

Lodging an objection with GBLT regarding the WOZ value, is possible for the municipalities of Bunschoten, Dalfsen, Dronten, Leusden, Nijkerk, Ommen, Renswoude, Veenendaal, Woudenberg and Zwolle.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us

Do you have any questions? Or do you need help lodging your objection? Please contact us at 088-064 55 55. We will gladly help you!

Service promise no. 2: Personal assistance with payments, objections and remission

The information on this page stems from one of our 6 service promises.

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