Water purification charge and pollution charge

Each year GBLT sends you a tax assessment for water purifictaion charge or pollution charge. You pay this tax so that your Water Board can clean your wastewater. The water is then re-usable . Wastewater is for example created by washing, showering and flushing the toilet.

What type of tax do you have to pay?

It depends on your situation whether you will receive a tax assessment for water purification charge or pollution charge. Is your home or company connected to the sewage system? Then we will send you a tax assessment for water purification charge. Is there no connection to the sewage system? Then your wastewater enters the surface water. In that case, we will send you a tax assessment for pollution charge. The rate for both types of tax is the same.

How much do you have to pay?

How much you have to pay depends on a number of things. The most important is whether it concerns a housing or a business space.