Rates municipality of Woudenberg last 3 years

The municipality of Woudenberg sets the rates for municipal taxes. Below the rates for each type of tax are added as of January 2025.

Tax rates 2025 Woudenberg
Tax Tariff
Property tax(OZB) owner dwellings % of the WOZ-value
Property tax(OZB) owner non-residential % of the WOZ value
Property tax(OZB) user non-residential % of the WOZvalue
Waste tax fixed amount per year
Waste tax variable part 240 liters container (residual waste per presentation)
Waste tax variable part 140 liters container (residual waste per presentation)
Waste tax variable part underground collection container, 60 liters, per presentation
Waste tax for bulky household waste and mixed construction and demolition waste
Waste tax owner with WOZ value from €45.001,-
Waste tax owner with WOZ value up to €45.000,-  
Sewer charge user single-person household
Sewer charge user multi-person household and nondwellings
Dog tax per dog
Dog tax per kennel
Tourist tax per person per overnight stay
Tourist tax fixed pitch for period March 1 - 31 October
Tourist tax fixed pitch for period 1 March - 31 December
BIZ Woudenberg per property