Dog tax Nijkerk

Do you or anyone in your family own a dog? Or several dogs? Then you have to pay dog tax. We will send the tax assessment to the main member of the household. Even if the dog belongs to another member of the family. You pay an amount per dog.


How much dog tax you have to pay can be found on the rates page.

GBLT arranges checks on dog ownership. For this a representative may visit you at your home.

Notify us of changes

Is there a new dog in your family?

Then you need to notify us within 14 days.

Is the dog getting a new owner outside the family?

Please notify us within six weeks. Also include written proof of the new owner.

Has your dog died?

Please notify us within 6 weeks. Also enclose written proof from the vet.

You can submit changes digitally through 'Mijn Loket'

You can also request a paper form. To do so, call 088-064 55 55.
Log into Mijn Loket

Special cases

This tax does not apply to all dogs. Exceptions are:

  • Pups with the mother dog. Pups may not be over 3 months old.
  • Assistance dogs and guide dogs for the blind.
  • Dogs for sale.
  • Dogs in a shelter.

Kennel rate

Do you own a dog kennel? Then you pay a fixed fee. You must be able to prove that you have a kennel registration. You can request this from the Dutch Kennel Management Board ("Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland"). You can submit the registration digitally through 'Mijn Loket'.

Login Mijn Loket

Is remission possible?

Remission is not possible for dog tax. It is however possible to pay in instalments.

Read more about paying in instalments.