Rates municipality of Bunschoten over the past three years

The municipality of Bunschoten sets the rates for municipal taxes. On this page you will find the rates per tax type for the years 2024, 2023 and 2022.

Rates 2022 Bunschoten
Tax Rate
Property tax residential (OZB) owner share  0.0800% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) owner share 0.1910% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) user share 0.1528% of the property value
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, single person household  € 262.00
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, multiple person household € 289.00
Sewerage charge user residential property € 158.55
Sewerage charge user non-residential property € 158.55per 500 m³
Sewerage charge  € 63.42
Commuter tax € 418.00 per property
Port fees - passenger ship € 25.00 per SM water area, per year with a minimum of € 1234.00
Port fees - recreational craft €  281.00 up to 4 LM
€  350.00 4 to 5 LM 
€  420.00 5 to 6 LM 
€  554.00 6 to 7 LM
€  685.00 7 to 8 LM
€  921.00 8 to 9 LM
€  1080.00 9 to 10 LM
€  1236.00 10 to 11 LM
€  1573.00 11 to 12 LM
€  1851.00 12 to 13 LM
€  2103.00 13 to 14 LM
€  2318.00 14 to 15 LM
€  154.00 per LM from 15 LM and upwards
Port fees - fishing vessel € 319.00 annual subscription
Market fee  for annual pitches, per LM or part thereof € 158.00 per calender year with a minimum of € 392.00
Encroachment tax general rate (table 1,01 – 1,04) € 1.10 per day per SM
€ 2.80 per week per SM
€ 5.25 per moth per SM
€ 34.90 per year per SM
Encroachment tax terrace weekly market (table 2,01) €  656.00 up to 15 SM
€  949.00 15 to 30 SM
€  1173.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax seasonal terrace (table 2,02) € 561.00 up to 15 SM
€ 815.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1001.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year (table 2,03) € 731.00 up to 15 SM
€ 1096.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1352.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year weekly market (table 2,04) € 629.00 up to 15 SM
€ 938.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1130.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per day (table 2,06) € 73.00 up to 15 SM
€ 109.50 15 to 30 SM
€ 146.00 30 SM and upwards
BIZ Haarbrug Noord 2022-2026 0.035% of the property value with a minimum of € 100,00 per property
Property value below € 10,000/ no BIZfee
Rates 2024 Bunschoten
Tax Rate
Property tax residential (OZB) owner share  0.0769% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) owner share 0.2095% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) user share 0.1676% of the property value
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, single person household  € 301.00
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, multiple person household € 332.00
Sewerage charge user residential property € 182.00
Sewerage charge user non-residential property € 182.00 per 500 m³
Sewerage charge  € 72.80
Commuter tax € 480.00 per property
Port fees - passenger ship € 29.00 per SM water area, per year with a minimum of € 1416.00
Port fees - recreational craft €  322.00 up to 4 LM
€  402.00 4 to 5 LM 
€  482.00 5 to 6 LM 
€  636.00 6 to 7 LM
€  786.00 7 to 8 LM
€  1058.00 8 to 9 LM
€  1240.00 9 to 10 LM
€  1419.00 10 to 11 LM
€  1805.00 11 to 12 LM
€  2125.00 12 to 13 LM
€  2414.00 13 to 14 LM
€  2661.00 14 to 15 LM
€  177.00 per LM from 15 LM and upwards
Port fees - fishing vessel € 366.00 annual subscription
Market fee  for annual pitches, per LM or part thereof € 181.00 per calender year with a minimum of € 450.00
Encroachment tax general rate (table 1,01 – 1,04) € 1.30 per day per SM
€ 3.20 per week per SM
€ 6.00 per moth per SM
€ 40.05 per year per SM
Encroachment tax terrace weekly market (table 2,01) €  753.00 up to 15 SM
€  1090.00 15 to 30 SM
€  1347.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax seasonal terrace (table 2,02) € 644.00 up to 15 SM
€ 935.00 15 to 30 SM
€  1149.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year (table 2,03) € 839.00 up to 15 SM
€ 1259.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1552.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year weekly market (table 2,04) € 722.00 up to 15 SM
€ 1077.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1297.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per day (table 2,06) € 84.00 up to 15 SM
€ 126.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 168.00 30 SM and upwards
BIZ Haarbrug Noord 2022-2026 0.035% of the property value with a minimum of € 100,00 per property
Property value below € 10,000/ no BIZfee
Rates 2023 Bunschoten
Tax Rate
Property tax residential (OZB) owner share  0.0762% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) owner share 0.2012% of the property value
Property tax non-residential (OZB) user share 0.1610% of the property value
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, single person household  € 283.00
Domestic waste tax – annual flat fee, multiple person household € 312.00
Sewerage charge user residential property € 171.00
Sewerage charge user non-residential property € 171.00 per 500 m³
Sewerage charge  € 68.40
Commuter tax € 451.00 per woning
Port fees - passenger ship € 27.00 per SM water area, per year with a minimum of € 1331.00
Port fees - recreational craft €  303.00 up to 4 LM
€  378.00 4 to 5 LM 
€  453.00 5 to 6 LM 
€  598.00 6 to 7 LM
€  739.00 7 to 8 LM
€  994.00 8 to 9 LM
€  1165.00 9 to 10 LM
€  1334.00 10 to 11 LM
€  1697.00 11 to 12 LM
€  1975.00 12 to 13 LM
€  2269.00 13 to 14 LM
€  2661.00 14 to 15 LM
€  166.00 per LM from 15 LM and upwards
Port fees - fishing vessel € 344.00 annual subscription
Market fee  for annual pitches, per LM or part thereof € 170.00 per calender year with a minimum of € 423.00
Encroachment tax general rate (table 1,01 – 1,04) € 1.20 per day per SM
€ 3.00 per week per SM
€ 5.65 per moth per SM
€ 37.65 per year per SM
Encroachment tax terrace weekly market (table 2,01) €  708.00 up to 15 SM
€  1024.00 15 to 30 SM
€  1266.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax seasonal terrace (table 2,02) € 605.00 up to 15 SM
€ 879.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1080.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year (table 2,03) € 789.00 up to 15 SM
€ 1183.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1459.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per calendar year weekly market (table 2,04) € 679.00 up to 15 SM
€ 1012.00 15 to 30 SM
€ 1219.00 30 SM and upwards
Encroachment tax terrace per day (table 2,06) € 79.00 up to 15 SM
€ 118.50 15 to 30 SM
€ 158.00 30 SM and upwards
BIZ Haarbrug Noord 2022-2026 0.035% of the property value with a minimum of € 100,00 per property
Property value below € 10,000/ no BIZfee
