We may ask you to file a digital return for water purification and pollution charges. In that case we will send you an invitation by letter.
How to log in?
The invitation contains the information you need to login. You enter the number from the letter under role number. The password from the letter you enter at password.
What information does GBLT require?
We will ask you for:
- Information about your company. For example, address, legal form and Chamber of Commerce number;
- The amount of cubic meters of water taken in. This can be found on the annual account your water company send you. Use the annual account of the year you are filing for.
- The wastewater coefficient. This is a number.
What is the wastewater coefficient?
The wastewater coefficient is used to calculate how polluted your wastewater is: coefficient times amount of water = number of pollution units. With this we can calculate your assessment.
Which wastewater coefficient we use for your company depends on the type of company. Check this table for more information. You can look this up in this table. Cannot find your business type in the table? Then you are probably covered by class 8 (0.023 v.e./m³). This class includes all unmentioned companies, like an office or store.
Is the result for your company 1,000 pollution units or more? Then we will not calculate your tax assessment using the table. Instead, we ask you to measure how much water you use. And to test samples of your wastewater. We then calculate your assessment using these data.
File your tax return in time
File your digital tax return within one month of the date on the invitation. Or request a deferral.
Did you file the tax return for your company too late? Then GBLT will send you a reminder. Do you still not file a tax return after this reminder? Then GBLT will calculate the height of the assessment. In addition, you will receive a fine. This fine can amount to up to € 2,460.
Request postponement
Did you fail to file your water tax return for your business on time? Then GBLT will send you a reminder. Do you still fail to file a tax return after this reminder? Then GBLT will determine the amount of the assessment without the data you should have provided. You will also be fined. This fine can be as much as € 2,460! Avoid a fine by filing a tax return on time. Or by asking for a postponement for filing the tax return.
Do you prefer paper?
Is it not possible for you to file the tax return or request postponement digitally? Or do you simply prefer to do it in writing? .Please send a letter with your request to GBLT - Heffen, Postbus 1098, 8001 BB Zwolle.
Our promise of service: (1) Easy digital selfservice for managing your Municipal and Water Board taxes
The information on this page stems from one of our 6 promises of service.

Woman with tablet sits on couch in her living room