Pay in one go

The easiest way to pay your taxes is through Mijn Loket

You pay using iDEAL. This way you can be sure that all the details are correct. Log on to 'Mijn Loket' (in Dutch) using the blue button below.

Go to Mijn Loket

Bank transfer

You can transfer the amount yourself over the internet. When paying in one go, please note the following points:

  • Transfer the amount into bank account NL82 DEUT 0319 8046 15 in the name of GBLT. Are you making a payment from abroad? Then you will also need the BIC or Swift code: DEUTNL2A.
  • Did you receive a reminder, final notice, enforcement order or renewed order? Then this will state the exact amount due.
  • Quote the assessment number in the description. This number can be found on your tax assessment.

Betalen met QR-code

Op het aanslagbiljet staat een QR-code. Met deze QR-code kunt u het volledig openstaande bedrag betalen. Voorlopig geldt deze QR-code alleen voor particuliere klanten die geen doorlopende automatische incasso machtiging aan GBLT hebben gegeven.

Cash payment

You can make a cash transfer to GBLT. You can do this at your bank or a postal agency. They will however charge costs for this. How high these costs are depends on the bank or postal agency. Do you make a cash payment? Then please also note the following points::

  • Transfer the amount into bank account NL82 DEUT 0319 8046 15 in the name of GBLT. Are you making a payment from abroad? Then you will also need the BIC or Swift code: DEUTNL2A.
  • Did you receive a reminder, final notice, enforcement order or renewed order? Then this will state the exact amount due.
  • Quote the assessment number in the description. This number can be found on your tax assessment.

Pay in time!

Your tax assessment states the date by which the amount must be received by GBLT.

Do you fail to pay in time? Then we may charge you costs. Do you want to be sure that you always pay in time? Then give GBLT permission for a direct debit in instalments. Learn more about paying in instalments.