Berichtenbox (digital mailbox)

The MijnOverheid Berichtenbox is a personal digital mailbox for government mail

GBLT also sends messages to the Berichtenbox. Have you already indicated that you want to receive mail from GBLT in your MijnOverheid Berichtenbox? If so, you will only receive mail from the GBLT in a digital format.

Log in to the Berichtenbox

Why choose the Berichtenbox?


  1. You will receive your mail digitally in a good secure digital mailbox. You can only access your mail  using DigiD.
  2. You will be able to manage all your mail from the government in one place.
  3. You will always receive mail instantly. No waiting for the postman to deliver your mail. 
  4. You can set up notifications, That way you will receive an e-mail each time a message is available in the Berichtenbox.

Do you want to change your preferences?

At any time you can change your preferencesin how you would like to receive mail. Whether in the Berichtenbox or to your address. You can change these preferences in the Berichtenbox after logging in.