The value (WOZ waarde) of your home

Do you own your own home? Then you will find the property value ("WOZ-waarde") on your tax assessment. GBLT calculates this value for the municipalities of Bunschoten, Dalfsen, Dronten, Leusden, Nijkerk, Ommen and Zwolle.

Or visit the page Lodging an objection.

What is the WOZ value?

The WOZ value is the market value of your property. It therefore changes with the sales prices of houses on the market. We make a comparison with the sales price of the previous year; the WOZ value you will receive in 2025 is the value of your house on the housing market on January 1st, 2024.

You will find the WOZ value on your tax assessment from GBLT. We use it to calculate various taxes, such as property tax.

Woningkenmerken, type woning, bouwjaar, locatie, onderhoud, grootte en hoveelheid m2

We take into account:

  • Location.
  • Surface area.
  • Condition.
  • Certain features.
  • Sales prices of similar homes.
Click here to learn more about the calculation

Want to know more about your property?

A description of how we calculated the WOZ value of your property can be found in the valuation report. This can be found in "Mijn Loket", under the heading "Mijn documenten".

View your valuation report in "Mijn Loket"

GBLT calculates the property value for 10 the municipalities

We calculate the property value for the municipalities of Bunschoten, Dalfsen, Dronten, Leusden, Nijkerk, Ommen, Renswoude, Veenendaal, Woudenberg, and Zwolle.