Requesting remission

Would you like to know whether requesting remission might be useful? Then take the remission quick test (Dutch only). Or read more about the rules and conditions for remission first.

Digital request

You can submit your request for remission in ten steps on Mijn Loket on

  1. Use your Dutch Digital Identification (DigiD) to log on to Mijn Loket.
  2. Click 'aanvragen', under remission. You will find this option at the bottom of the page.
  3. Next, you are asked whether the contact information shown is still valid. Go to the request form by clicking 'Door naar de kwijtscheldingsmodule.
  4. Select the tax assessment you want to request remission for.
  5. Answer the 2 questions and click ‘Volgende’.
  6. On the page next page, answer the additional questions. Sometimes we ask you to add a document. Which document we require depends on your situation.
  7. Click ‘Controleren gegevens’ or ‘Uw aanvraag controleren’.
  8. Check that your details are correct and that you have added the requierd information.
  9. Click ‘Uw aanvraag afronden’ or ‘Verzenden’ to continue. To alter details, click ‘Terug naar invullen’ or ‘Terug naar invullen gegevens’.
  10. You will see a confirmation on screen. The confirmation will state that you have successfully entered a request for remission.
    You will also receive a receipt by email.

Go to Mijn Loket

No access to Mijn Loket

If you cannot access 'Mijn Loket ' then you can request a remission form by telephone. To do so call us at 088-064 55 55. You can reach us from Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

We will send you written confimation upon receiving  your remission form. We will do so within 10 days. If you do not receive a confirmation, then GBLT did not receive your request.

You do not have to pay yet

While your request is being processed you do not have to pay the tax assessment. GBLT will send you a written decision on your request for remission. We call this a ruling. The ruling will state whether you have to pay. And if so, by which date we must receive payment.