On this page you can read more information about Water Board Vallei en Veluwe.
Vallei en Veluwe operates in 37 municipalities in the provinces Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel
Water Board Vallei en Veluwe operates in:
Amersfoort | Deventer | Heerde | Renswoude | Voorst |
Apeldoorn | Ede | Leusden | Rheden | Wageningen |
Arnhem | Eemnes | Nijkerk | Rhenen | Woudenberg |
Baarn | Elburg | Nunspeet | Rozendaal | Zeist |
Barneveld | Epe | Oldebroek | Scherpenzeel | Zutphen |
Brummen | Ermelo | Olst-Wijhe | Soest | |
Bunschoten-Spakenburg | Harderwijk | Putten | Utrechtse Heuvelrug | |
De Bilt | Hattem | Renkum | Veenendaal |
Some municipalities are located in their entirety within the Vallei en Veluwe area. Other municipalities are located only partly within this area. Do you want to know in which Water Board area you live? Check the Union of Water Boards website. Enter your zip code (Dutch: postcode) on the website.
Water Board Tax
The Water Board maintains the dikes. And provides enough and clean water in your area. Therefore you can live, work and relax safely. The Water Board funds this with the taxes you pay. Every year the Water Board sets the rates for various taxes. This can be a fixed amount. Or a variable amount, like a percentage of your property value.
As of tax year 2024 the remission policy of the Water Board Vallei will become more lenient.
This means more people are eligible for remission:
- Small business with an income at welfare level are now eligible for remission.
- The calculation of disposable income will now take the costs of childcare into account.
- Income limits were raised for households with one or more people at the state pensioners age (AOW).
- The limits for the combined balance of all bank accounts per household were raised (vermogensnorm).
Learn more about requesting remission

Bron: Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe
More information?
- Read the Vallei en Veluwe Water Board leaflet (Dutch only).
- Want to leaurn more about the activities of the Water Board? Check the Vallei en Veluwe Water Board website (in Dutch).
- Visit the Vallei en Veluwe rates page.