Remission for companies and the self-employed

Businesses usully do not get remission. The government invented remission for individuals. For businesses, there are other options. Like a restructuring agreement, a moratorium on payment, the possibility of a relaunch or eventually filing for bankruptcy. Therefore, you cannot request remission for your company's taxes. Some municipalities and Water Boards do offer remission for the self-employed though.

In 7 municipalities, the self-employed can request remission for their private taxes

The self-employed can request remission in Zwolle, Leusden, Nijkerk, Dronten, Dalfsen, Bunschoten and Ommen. They can also request remission at the Rijn en IJssel Water Board. They can only request remission for taxes that are not related to their business.

Go to Mijn Loket for a private request for remission

Log on to Mijn Loket

For a request for remission, you need to answer  fourteen questions. You will also have to provide information about your financial situation. We will determine whether you qualify for remission. To do so, we look at your answers, your situation and the rules and conditions for remission. You will always receive a letter from us with a decision on your request.