Rejection on automated processing for processed remission

In case of atuomated processing to determine whether you qualify for remisson,  the result will appear on your tax assessment. Sometimes the result is that you are not immediately granted remission. In that case we advise you to request for remission yourself.

How do you request remission?

  • Digitally through Mijn Loket. You need your Dutch Digital Identification (DigiD) to do this.

    Log on to Mijn Loket

  • On paper. Call GBLT request a remission form.

Why should you request remission yourself?

More information is needed from you to determine whether you qualify for remission. For this, we need you to submit a remission request. We can then ask you for the additional information required.

When will you receive a decision?

It may take up to 3 months to receive your decision. This depends on your situation. Sometimes additional information is required. In that case, we will inform you by letter what you need to do.
