Your opinion counts!

We would love to hear what you think of our services.  We want to know if and how we can improve our services to be of better service to you.

Please give your opinion

We are committed to make managing your taxes as easy as can be at GBLT. That is also the central thought of  our service promises . We are curious to know how you view these promises. 

Give your opinion on our 6 service promises (in Dutch)

We would also be happy with any feedback you have regarding our website. Your feedback is very much  appreciated. We will use your feedback to improve our website.

Give your opinion about the website (in Dutch)

What will GBLT do with your feedback?

Your feedback is an important indicator of our service performance. We use your feedback to try and improve processes and services that impact our residents, owners and businesses. 

Do you not want us to send you an invitation for giving feedback via email?

Please send an email to Then we will remove your email address from the database. You will not receive  any future invitations through KCM Survey.