How do I change my bank account for direct debit in instalments of my tax assessment?
The quickest way to change your bank account is through Mijn Loket
To log in to Mijn Loket you use your Dutch Digital Identification (DigiD). Companies log in with e-Herkenning (eRecognition). After logging in, you are able to change your bank account yourself in 5 steps:
- Select the blue text 'wijzigen' (change) at direct debit.
- Select the 'door naar wijzigen automatische incasso' button.
- Choose the appropriate bank for the account number you are using for the direct debit.
- Choose the 'Aanvraag verzenden' (send request) button.
- You now enter your bank's internet banking environment. Go through all screens until you return to Mijn Loket.
You will be shown a confirmation if your change was successful. You will also receive an additional confirmation by email. It may take up to two days before you see the new bank account in 'Mijn Loket'.
Do you prefer to send a letter to change your bank account?
Please send your letter to GBLT, Postbus 1098, 8001 BB Zwolle. In this letter you must include:
- Your name and address.
- The number of your tax assessment.
- The old bank account.
- The new bank account.
- Your signature.