Why can I no longer access Mijn Loket with eHerkenning (eRecognition)?
In November 2022, GBLT connected to the Chamber of Commerce's Trade Register (in Dutch: Handelsregister). Since then, we have been using company data from the Trade Register only. As a result, things may have changed for you, including the use of eHerkenning:
- Do you run a sole proprietorship? Then your business tax assessments are no longer in your company's name, but in your own name. This is why you no longer log in to Mijn Loket with eHerkenning (eRecognition). Instead you need to use your personal Dutch Digital Identification (DigiD). This way, you will be able to view both your business and personal tax assessments in one location.
- Are you part of a company with several branches? Then all tax assessments of all branches are now in one name. Only the owner is now able to log in to Mijn Loket using eHerkenning (eRecognition).