What is the difference between water purification charge/water pollution charge and water system charge?
These taxes differ in 3 ways
There is a difference in who has to pay, where the revenue will go and how these taxes are calculated.
Who has to pay these taxes differs
Water purification charge/water pollution charge is paid by users or managers of residential or commercial premises. Water system charge is paid by those who live in a town and by owners of buildings, land and/or nature. GBLT calls the water system charge for those who live in a town water system charge for residents. In addition, there is a water system charge for built-on land, unbuilt land and nature area for owners of buildings, land and/or nature areas.
Where the tax receipts for these taxes are allocated differs
With the tax receipts from water purification charge/water pollution charge, your Water Board ensures that waste water is purified. The tax receipts from the water system charges allow your Water Board to provide upkeep and management of dikes and embankments. And maintaining the level of groundwater and the water in ditches and rivers.
The way we calculate the amount of tax to be paid differs
For the water purification charge/water pollution charge, GBLT uses pollution units. For water system charges, GBLT uses a percentage of the WOZ property value. For water system charge for land and/or nature area, GBLT uses a fixed amount per hectare.