How does requesting remission impact payment of my tax assessment?
The impact on payment depends on where we are in processing you request for remission. Please note that not all taxes qualify for remission. For taxes that do not qualify, payment will not be impacted by your request for remission.
Have you just made the request for remission?
You will be granted deferral of payment during the processing of your request. Do you pay in instalments by direct debit? Then we will temporarily stop the withdrawal of the instalments. Please contact us if you want the payment in instalments to continue during this time.
Did you not or not fully qualify for remission?
You will have to pay GBLT within 10 days. The exact date can be found in the letter stating the outcome of your request for remission. You can pay in various ways:
- Have you already given permission for paying in instalments by direct debit? Then payment will be resumed. The outstanding amount will equally be divided over the instalments you have left.*
- Do you want to give permission to pay in instalments by direct debit? Please give your consent. The fastest way to set up payment in instalments is in Mijn Loket. The outstanding amount will be divided over the instalments you have left.*
- Do you want to pay in one go? We recommend paying using Mijn Loket. In Mijn Loket you pay with iDEAL. That way you will not have to fill in any payment details yourself.
* Are there no instalments left; which happens when a tax assessment is more than 10 months old? Then you can only pay in installments through a payment plan.
You qualified for remission
Did you qualify for remission? Then you do not have to pay anymore. Did you pay an amount while we were processing your request? Then we will refund you the amount you overpaid.