- Each year you receive the tax assessment from GBLT which also states the WOZ value.
- Do you disagree with the WOZ value? Then lodge an objection with GBLT.
- Loding an objection is easily done and free of charge.
Lodge your objection within 6 weeks of receiving the tax assessment
This can be done in 'Mijn Loket' on gblt.nl. At the moment this is possible in Dutch only.
Step 1.
Log on to 'Mijn Loket' and click "indienen" (submit) under "Bezwaren"(objections).
Step 2.
Choose the tax assessment you want to object to and select your reason from the list.
Step 3.
Fill out the questionnaire about your property.
Step 4.
Submit your objection and we will start processing it immediately.
You will receive a letter before the end of the calendar year. This will state whether the WOZ value will be adjusted or not.
Download the valuation report (taxatieverslag in Dutch) under "Mijn Documenten". Use this to check the data used for your property.
Unsure what to do? We will gladly help you!
Visit our page about property value at gblt.nl/en/woz, or call us at 088-064 55 55.